Oldham Business Awards Supporters Event –

On Wednesday 21st September we were at the Oldham Event Centre (OEC), Oldham’s brand new state of the art facility,for our latest networking event, the Oldham Business Awards Supporters Event. This event was particularly good for me, being a life-long Oldham Athletic fan getting to finally see this state of the art venue I watched being built season after season in reality was a fantastic opportunity.

We was delighted to be invited to this exclusive event giving us a perfect chance to meet new businesses and catch up with old friends from the local Oldham area.

These events are always beneficial for us, and this continued as throughout the evening we was given helpful tips and advice. This support is key to us as we begin our new venture into social media and video marketing.

It was good to finally meet these businesses in person rather than behind twitter and emails and find out what they do and promote our services to them. We met several new faces and hope to reconnect with these soon.

dsgnuk is looking forward to working with other web design and print media related agencies in Oldham.