The demand for digital media nowadays is ever rising, which sets the question – online or offline marketing?

Online/digital marketing and offline marketing are both effective methods of raising a brand and campaign awareness. Both can effectively take your company to the next level, but in order to make full use of these it is important to identify which is best for your business and how a professional service like dsgnuk, based in Oldham, Manchester, can help you with this.

Online Marketing

Known by many names often referred to as digital marketing, this strategy is the most modern form of advertising and getting your brand out there. It is a very accessible and often a free or very cheap way of advertising your brand, with the ability to target certain areas easily through clever tools and apps.

Here are some of the many Online Marketing strategies:

All of these strategies ultimately have the same goal and objective, to work towards raising awareness of a brand/business, driving people to websites, and then making a conversion or sale.

Building a strong online presence helps you to be found by your target audience in the search results for major search engines, like Google, Bing etc. This means that people will find you more easily and therefore know about your brand quickly.

Offline Marketing

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Offline marketing is great for a number of reasons, such as capturing the attention of passing trade, and also for creating helpful physical marketing materials, such as brochures, stationery, or leaflets. By using print you can easily express your brand by using colours, layouts etc, giving any viewers a real feel for what you are The traditional exchange of business cards is still extremely popular in today’s world, one simple 85 x 55mm piece of card can be the key to securing that lead.

Here are some of the many Offline Marketing strategies you could utilise:

Combining the two

dsgnuk offers a full service marketing agency based in the heart of Oldham, Manchester providing both online and offline marketing to our happy clients. We have learnt that building a strong, well thought online and offline marketing strategy is single handed the most beneficial to any business’ objectives whether it be to create brand awareness or to simply achieve more sales, we can tie the two strategies together to promote your brand on the biggest possible scale.

If you feel as though we can help you further and you want to take your business to the next level, then why not call dsgnuk, a professional, friendly online and offline marketing agency based in Oldham, Manchester on 0161 627 1857 or drop me an email on and we can make the difference.



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